Nō te ao tahito tōna kawa Tahito. Nā te kawa
Tahito te kawa o te ora. Kei te kawa tahito te
ora. Kei ana tikanga te hua. Kia mauriora. Ko
te heke tuatahi ko TAHITO Te Tai ō Rehua
Fund. Ko te kohi a TAHITO i ngā rekareka
o NZX me ASX.
We have developed a unique way of
measuring companies using Māori
ancestral knowledge. In doing so we
are applying our best Māori ancestral
knowledge for the future.TAHITO selects listed companies based upon
indigenous Māori values. We apply our
indigenous value set to measure relational
behaviours (Whanaungatanga) and
connectivity (Aroha). By building Aroha, a
business improves its Mauri (wellbeing).
Our first fund is the TAHITO Te Tai o Rehua Fund,
selecting listed companies on the NZX and ASX
according to our stringent indigenous measures.

We commit to our best ancestral practice
We commit to our best for us
Manahua te tapu o Tahitokī
Empower ancestral thought
Manahua te tapu o Tahitokōrero
Empower ancestral word
Manahua te tapu o Tahitowānanga
Empower ancestral action
Manahua te tapu o Tahitongāwari
Empower ancestral mastery
Manahua te tapu o Tahitohou
Empower ancestral future
Manahua te tapu o Tahitowhakaara
Empower ancestral awakening
Manahua te tapu o Tahito e
Empower ancestral spirit
He huanui Te Kawa Tahito, kotahi tonu te tipu.
There are many more values, behaviours and ethics but these
are the most operative in our TAHITO process.
To deliver TAHITO we have partnered with ISG – Investment Services Group.
ISG consists of JMI Wealth, Select Wealth, Clarity Funds and Devon Funds with offices in downtown
Auckland City, by the beach in Takapuna, the largest town in Northland, Kerikeri
as well as Palmerston North and Wellington.