He kawa atua a TAHITO
He kawa aroha a TAHITO
He kawa kotahi a TAHITO
Kia kotahi te aroha. Kia hawaikīhoutia te ao.
E aroha mai ana te UN me te WEF.
Kua whai wāhi te mātauranga o te ao tīpuna hei
ora mō te ao. Tū mai ana te ao atua, hua mai
ana te ao taketake.
TAHITO is about re-building the connection
between people and the environment. It is an
indigenous contribution towards a new global
story of diversity, equity and sustainability.
TAHITO is collective self intelligence. Collective
self intelligence is connection; Everything is
interrelated, nothing exists of itself.
We feel our method is a timely contribution to the
momentum created by the global initiatives from
the United Nations and the World Economic
These institutions have created the platform for
indigenous values to be a solution to global
As awareness in climate change and sustainability
intensifies, the world is increasingly looking
toward indigenous cultures, values and
sustainability practices for solutions.