Kia ora te aroha
Kia hora te aroha
Kia kotahi te aroha
Kia hawaikīhoutia te ao
E aroha mai ana te United Nations
me te World Economic Forum
Kua whai wāhi te mātauranga
o te ao tīpuna hei ora mō te ao.
Mauri Ora - Reconnecting through a Māori
worldview. Taking the ancestral Māori
worldview to the world.At TAHITO we believe that by increasing our natural
human quality of aroha (love / compassion) we can
re-build the connection between people and
the environment.
It is an indigenous contribution towards a
new global story of diversity equity and
Global initiatives by the United Nations and
the World Economic Forum have
encouraged us to advance this purpose
They have created the platform for indigenous beliefs, values and systems to flourish.

He haumi pūtea a Tahito nō te ao tīpuna, ko Te Kōwhiringa Tapu te huarahi.
Mā te kawa tahito ana tikanga o te haumi pūtea.
TAHITO is indigenous ethical investing, Te Kōwhiringa Tapu is the process. We apply ancestral Māori knowledge to determine
a set of key principles to guide and drive investment behaviours and decisions.
Ko TAHITO te ringawhiu o te pūtea haumi
We aim to be leaders in Māori indigenous investment
Ko TAHITO te ringarehe o te pūtea haumi
To develop, implement and manage Indigenous Māori ethical investment funds and financial services with national and international appeal.
Ko TAHITO te ringatohu o te aroha haumi
To provide a Māori world view story to assist in
transforming the world towards regenerationand harmony, through the emerging cultural
rejuvenation areas of literacy, creativity, critical
knowledge, sense of place, empathy, trust, risk,
respect, and recognition.
Ko TAHITO te ringawhiti o te ao haumi
To identify where Māori values and ethics may
align with the fourth industrial revolution (4IR)
themes of holism, cosmophychism,
eco-systems, multi polar, universal basic
income, circular economy, the Inclusive
Development Index, data science and more.

Nā Te Kawa Tahito ana tikanga
We have developed these TAHITO Value Statements from our indigenous knowledge to guide our investment thesis:
Whanaungatanga tō ao
Understanding all relationships in the interconnected world: internal and external, commercial, social, environmental and cultural.
Whakapapa tō mana
Understanding that the business is interdependent and relies on its total environment to succeed. Care for people and the environment and they will care for you.
Whakarongo tō hiwa
The company strives to reach the best balance across all its relationships. Typified by the principles of a circular economy; kia mimiti, kia tukurua, kia whakahau (reduce, reuse, regenerate)
Whakatau tō kaha
Understand the collective strength across the business. It acts positively and with integrity.
Honotahi tō wairua
Competitive forces are dealt within a complementary manner. Core principles and values extend beyond physical and material gain.
Utu tō mauri
Care for the environment and give back to the local communities. Identify the key drivers to success and repay the source, i.e. stakeholders, people, clients, environment, communities.
Mahitahi tō tapu
Strive to co-operate with all forces and agents in your ecosystem. Strong social, environmental and cultural ethics are imbued in the organisation, measured an acted upon.
Humarie tō mārama
Seek harmony in its business across all systems and relationships. Be clear and transparent, display honesty and integrity, communicate clearly. Be conciliatory and collaborative in negotiations.
Kawa tō ora
Success beyond financial. Celebrate and encourage successful behaviours and have long term sustainable growth potential.